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  • [2024-09-10] SINOMACH GM Luo Qianyi Inspects CNEEC
  • [2024-09-07] CMEC Group Holds Talks on Cooperation with African Guests
  • [2024-09-07] CMEC Group Leaders Visit President or Vice-Presidents of ...
  • [2024-09-06] CMEC Group GM Fang Yanshui Visits African Guests
  • [2024-09-06] Chadian President Witnesses CMEC Group’s Signing of Coop...
  • [2024-09-04] CMEC and SUEZ International Sign Global Strategic Coopera...
  • [2024-09-02] SINOMACH Chairman Zhang Xiaolun Inspects CHPI
  • [2024-09-01] Wang Bo Conducts Business Activities in Iraq
Our Business
International Engineering Contracting

Our international engineering contracting business since 1980, and since then in more than 45 countries around the world to undertake the contracted project. Since its inception, we have been awarded more than 80 electric power industry engineering contracting projects. As a leading industry in the EPC established the status of international engineering contractors and service providers, we are...

Trade and Services

With extensive sales and marketing networks in more than 150 countries and regions, we also engage in Trading Business. We provide bridging solutions to (i) domestic and overseas purchasers who wish to source products, or (ii) domestic and overseas suppliers who wish to sell their products, outside or in the PRC. Through our Company as well as our subsidiaries in the PRC and other countries (in...

Design and Consultation

In addition to our International Engineering Contracting Business and Trading Business, we also operate certain other business including providing logistics services, exhibition services, tendering agency services and other services (including export-import agency services and design services) as well as conducting certain strategic equity investment.

Other Business

In addition to our International Engineering Contracting Business and Trading Business, we also operate certain other business including providing logistics services, exhibition services, tendering agency services and other services (including export-import agency services and design services) as well as conducting certain strategic equity investment.

Social Responsibility

CMEC will be the concept of social responsibility, into the existing management system, sustainable development as the core, in order to achieve the comprehensive value of economy, environment and ...

辽阳市 定远县 平远县 哈密市 江油市 凤台县
都兰县 许昌县 东莞市 葫芦岛市 青阳县 绥宁县
五台县 依安县 富宁县 外汇 偃师市 昌平区
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